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Azhar Siddiqui is missing. Those who knew him would describe him as your average not-so-good-looking but pure-at-heart kind of a guy who always believed that his true love was somewhere out there, waiting for him. But call it circumstances or plain old luck, Azhar’s experiences with women always led to his inevitable heartbreak. After Ishaan, his best friend, broke his trust, Azhar felt that he had lost it all. Depression and loneliness led him to social media where he met the beautiful Zahra. Without physically meeting up, the two hit it off like they were made for each other but Zahra had a secret, one which Azhar was not aware of, one that had consumed her all her life and had impacted the lives of those around her. What do you think happened when Azhar discovered that secret? Will that answer help Ishaan find him or will it be too late?
A pompous Rahul is head over heels in love with Seema, a shy lady from the same school. After a whirlwind of innocent encounters, their teenage romance blossoms but the two never confess their love for each other. Friends and even a few teachers approve of their relationship which is no secret to anyone thanks to Rahul’s flaunting nature.
Seema, on the other hand, finds it difficult to handle the unnecessary attention she gets due to Rahul’s ostentatiousness. What follows is a series of misunderstandings and ego clashes causing them to drift apart.
Rahul loses his popularity, his numero uno status, his sanity and ultimately his love. By the time he realizes what he has lost, it’s too late. He takes desperate measures to woo her back and win back her love. But will Rahul ever get back Seema? And will Seema ever realize how much Rahul loved her and all the misunderstandings that transpired between them? Is there really any room for misunderstandings in love? In today’s world, can a person’s first love ever be his last?

“A slow rasping sound made me turn. I jumped back, the cell phone leaving my hands and smashing against the concrete floor. Someone was seated on the chair, rocking back and forth. Through the fallen light, I could see those hands placed on the arms of the chair, two gruesome wrinkled limbs with ugly boils plastered over the black skin. The red bangles on its wrists shone in my eyes, momentarily blinding me. That thing and I call it a thing because I could sense it wasn’t human as no human could have such a hideous form, as vile an existence as the one seated opposite to my horrified self.”
From a honeymoon in the hill that goes horribly wrong to an obsessed lover who wants his first love in life and in death; From a mentally deranged man who collects body parts of various women to stitch together his dream girl to a skeptic who enters a mansion of horrors to win a bet and much more, this book is filled with scenarios that are guaranteed to give you goosebumps and sleepless nights.
From a man who lives in his past overhearing the whispers of the present to a woman who rescues dying souls through her blessed aura. From a little boy who must realize the truth of his life so that he can face the fears of the future to a pair of lovers who are reborn with little clue of what fate has in store for them. From a granddaughter who recollects the warm fuzzy days of her childhood to an old lady who still reminisces about the time she first fell in love. From a girl who must return to her roots to discover the reality of her true love to a stalker who tries to hide his worst secret, even from himself. This promising anthology featuring modern Indian writing aims to capture love in all its raw forms and diverse states. For contrary to popular belief, love is just one word with many volatile emotions.Join best-selling author, Faraaz Kazi in this journey through that one word that defines us all and one that we cannot define, as he unravels the mystery of love through a first of its kind work that features fourteen vivid stories that span across genres connected by that thing called LOVE.

An Excerpt
In the room with the pale blue walls, the woman mumbles incoherently under her breath, feverishly turning the pages of a bulky photo album that rests on her lap. Her eyes are swollen; her demeanour like a beast that has finally broken free from its shackles after spending a lifetime in captivity.
She pushes her handbag away, its contents spilling all over the bed – a kohl stick, a pack of tissues, a toffee, some loose change and a dozen visiting cards with ‘Preeti Thaker, IT Manager, Obsoft’ printed on them. She doesn’t bother putting them back. The album nestled on her lap, legs stretched out in front of her and back slouched over, Preeti sways back and forth examining each photograph. She gingerly traces the figures in them, the veins in her hands gleaming like raging tributaries.
An Excerpt
मुरझाये से नीले रंग की दीवारों वाले कमरे में बैठी एक महिला रुक-रुककर कुछ बड़बड़ाते हुए, अपनी गोद में रखी भारी सी एल्बम के पन्ने पलट रही थी. उसकी आंखें सूजी हुई थीं; उसकी हालत पिंजरे से छूटे जानवर सी थी, जो पूरी ज़िन्दगी बेड़ियों में रहने के बाद आज़ाद हुआ हो.
परे पटके हुए हैंडबैग का सारा सामान बैड पर छितरा हुआ था—एक काजल की स्टिक, टिश्यू का पैकेट, एक टॉफी, कुछ सिक्के और दर्जन भर विज़्टिंग कार्ड, जिन पर लिखा था ‘प्रीति ठक्कर, आईटी मैनेजर, ओब्सोफ्ट’. उसे सामान समेटने की परवाह नहीं थी. उसने बस गोद में एल्बम सहेज रखी थी, पैर सामने की ओर फैलाए हुए, और कमर पीछे की तरफ निकली हुई, फोटो देखते हुए प्रीति हिलते हुए आगे-पीछे हो रही थी. एहतियात से उसकी उंगलियां तस्वीरों पर घूम रही थीं, हाथ की नसें उफनती नदी की तरह चमक रही थी.

Samit and Nikita, brought together by destiny are separated by the same entity in a cruel twist of events. Having lost his only love, Samit chooses to stay frozen at the same point, surviving on the mixture of the meager remains of his past and the agony of a hastily wiped out future.
At last, destiny repents and in its bid to undo its mistakes gives Samit a second chance at love- a chance named Jhanvi. Will Samit live the life he has been doing so far or will the fragrant promise of love prevail?
Preeti Thaker moves to Mumbai to run away from herself to put behind a painful childhood, plagued adolescent years and the recent death of her only support system – her brother. She is on the verge of ending it all, succumbing to her depression, when the doorbell rings. Little does she know that answering it will change her life forever! The guy on the other end of the door will offer solutions to all her problems, but in the process, she will end up losing the only thing she had never lost till date – her heart!
Inspired by the true story of an artist who found that love was the only color missing from the palette of her life, Meant To Be Together is a story of friendship, love and giving life one more chance.